Welcome To The Saadiyat Experts Program
Saadiyat Island's training platform for travel professionals awaits you, where we'll guide you through all the essential information to become a certified Saadiyat Expert. You'll be equipped to offer your clients an unparalleled and unforgettable experience.
Take your Saadiyat Island knowledge to a whole new level!
Discover Saadiyat Island Abu Dhabi
Be prepared to become experts on everything Saadiyat Island has to offer
Certified Saadiyat Expert
Be the go-to expert! Successfully complete the training and earn a certificate of completion which you can download immediately and display with pride.
Learn on the go
Study at your own pace and in your own time. Access course content on mobile, tablet or desktop whenever and wherever you have an internet connection.
Increase bookings
Imagine being ahead of your competition ready to convert that next enquiry into business with all the knowledge you have.
As a certified Saadiyat Expert you can join our incentive program including fam trips, gift vouchers, exclusive events and Saadiyat Expert discounts.